Longmeadow Family Dental Care Longmeadow Family Dental Care

Back to School Dental Care Tips

No matter the age of your children, a healthy smile leads to a happier and more confident outlook. That’s why, to get the most out of the upcoming school year, you may want to make sure your kids are following the best practices for dental care… and keep that confident smile all year long! Of […]

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The Legend of the Tooth Fairy

What is the real story behind the Tooth Fairy? Well, it depends on where you look. The Tooth is believed to be a tiny fairy in a tutu with a pair of wings and supposedly originated in the United States in the early part of the 1900s. And it seems that the custom has remained […]

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Back to School Teeth-Friendly Lunch Ideas

Bring out the backpacks and sharpen those #2 pencils – its back to school time! Starting school can be a hectic time for many families. Sending kids to school with the right school supplies and textbooks is just as important as sending them to school with a tooth-friendly packed lunch. Providing children with a healthy, […]

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Keep Kids Away From Soda

Sip soft drinks all day, and get decay. A strong link exists between soda consumption and tooth decay. Additionally, habitual soda consumption can lead to childhood obesity, diabetes, and behavioral problems. Acids and sugars both damage and soften tooth enamel, leaving it susceptible to tooth decay and even tooth loss. How Soda Attacks Your Child’s […]

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The Importance of Baby Teeth

Many people disregard the importance of baby teeth due to their temporary nature. However, baby teeth serve some very valuable functions for children by aiding in their health and development. What are baby teeth needed for? Chewing and eating Developing proper speech Providing space in the jaw for permanent teeth that are growing under the […]

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